Landlocked between India and Tibet, Bhutan is a place of untouched natural beauty. Steep, pine-forested mountains are sliced through with deep valleys and peaks reach7,000. Knows as the Kingdom of the thunder Dragon a reference to its form of Buddihism, it is both isolated and welcoming. A visitors doesn’t have to sleep in a yak-skin tent for the full Bhutanese experience ; stay at any one of the five luxurious Amankora lodges( Scatered across the country and allow yourself to truly escape.
Salmone marinato
Scegliete un bel pezzo di salmone e fatevelo spinare e chiudetelo a libro.inseritevi sale grosso,pepe e del finocchietto.
Avvolgetelo bene e lasciatelo i frigo per almeno 6 ore. Scolatelo bene poiché si sarà’ formata dell’acqua e sfilettatelo, rinnovando il finocchio! Ottimo e si conserva , sotto sale per più giorni.