…..- e’uno dei miei cibi preferiti…..sento il mare in bocca !!!!!! “complessita’ inaudita,tra amaro e dolciastro,radicalmente marino,appena affumicato,con sentori di nocciola e miele” le gonadi,volgarmente dette uova,sono commestibili e molto ricercate…una prelibatezza per gli antichi romani.le aragoste ne vanno pazze. Se andate in un ristorante giapponese chiedete “ Uni”…. ecco come mi e’ stato servito!!!!!!! eccezionale.
Capri-JK Palace
Heaven is a place on earth. And its name is JK Palace Hotel. If you’re searching above all else for a bit of peace and quiet, you’ll find it here: this small but statuesque cliff-side villa is ideal for people who like to holiday in virtual solitude. Overlooking the Bay of Naples,yet chic and luxurious.it accommodates only44 people…
Bonjour , New York
Paris-based jewelry designer Aurelie Bidermann is known for covetable bibelots made from unconventional materials not typically associated with high-fashion pieces, like cotton cord,feathers, and wood. Now her inventive creations have a new stateside home:Bidermann ‘s first American boutique opens this summer in downtown Manhattan.
265 Lafayette Street;