Categories Travel

Milano-comme à la maison

IMG_2923Ristorante Latteria Carlon, Les Milanais se bousculent pour venir déjeuner dans cette trattoria taille xs, oubliée des guides touristiques.Avis aux amateurs,la maison ne prend pas réservation , et chacun attend sagement son tour pour s’installer et goûter à la cousine 100% familiale. Via Tommaso Salvini, 2 +390276003286

Categories Personal Shopper

Going Deutsch

IMG_2919Often overlooked by the fashion pack, Germany’s unique minimalist stile is coming into its own….
New York, London, Paris, Milan…and Munich! Berlin may be at the epicentre of creative Euro cool, but Germany’s beta towns? With global trends becoming more norm core,German style has found itself in the middle of a movement !!!

Categories Travel

Portland -Back to the Land

IMG_2916 IMG_2918In the farms of the Pacific Northwest,America’s pioneer spirit is alive and well and flying the flag for grassroots food.
The Willows Inn
The Lummi Island
Nick’s Italian Cafe’
Fly direct from London to Seattle.

Categories Cucina

Fusilli al Gorgonzola e Piselli

IMG_2900Fondere ,a bagno maria , del gorgonzola cremoso con del burro.cuocere dei piselli , tenendoli un po’ indietro .
Cuocere la pasta e scolata versatevi sopra il gorgonzola ed i piselli,decorate con il prezzemolo  ,servite velocemente