Categories Travel

Mete per il 2012

In Uganda con I gorilla- Gennaio e’ il mese centrale della stagione secca nella foresta pluviale. Si stima Che siano rimasti poco meno di 700 esemplari di gorilla di montagna in tutto il mondo e meta’ di questi si trova in Uganda, nel parco di Bwindi! Ricordate il mitico film”gorilla nella nebbia”… (proprio nel 2012 la primatologa Dian Fossey avrebbe compiuto 80 anni)

Categories Arte & Attualità

Digital Art

-Digital  Art -Please touch the artworks – How would you like to’ own a limited-editino Damien Hirst for Eu 10?
That would get you one of his spot paintings to display on your mobile phone! If you have a little more to spend,Eu 800 will buy you a digital version of Hirst’s diamond-encrusted skull For Heaven’Sake,wich will rotate across your iPad screen. That’ s the beauty of S(editin), a new online platform for collecting work from artists such as Hirst,Emin,Mat Collishaw,Bill Viiola and Tim Noble and Sue  Webster….

Categories Perfect Weekend

South Africa-Molori Clifton

For Urban Beach-Lovers South Africa-Molori Clifton-Cape Town Molori means” to dream ” in Tswana!
Minutes from the immaculate white sands of Clifton Beach,it’s dream for the interiors- or technology-obsessed!
The bedrooms have views of mountains and sea;the walls are floor-to-ceiling retractable glass doors; and the decks are wraparound with inviting infinity pools.